Join Salmon Banquet in Hanoi Fortuna Hotel

The event will take place at the Emperor Restaurant of Hanoi Fortuna Hotel and will introduce customers Salmon Banquet (Salmon Matsuri).

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Salmon Banquet in Hanoi Fortuna Hotel (1)

As Hanoi Fortuna Hotel, it will be a great weekend party for family and friends to experience the culture and cuisine of Japan. During the banquet, customers will have a chance to enjoy a colorful dinner buffet with attractive delicacies made from Salmon Matsuri together with traditional art performances of Japan.

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Salmon is famous around the world not only because of healthy nutrients, but also characteristic sweet flavor and attractive aroma. This summer, talented Chef Kenji Tam will bring customers a compelling dining experience, with a variety of tasty dishes which are specially prepared with Norwegian salmon.

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Salmon Banquet in Hanoi Fortuna Hotel (2)

Salmon Banquet in Hanoi Fortuna Hotel promises to be an ideal destination for diners to enjoy the unique flavor of the sea with dishes prepared in a unique and delicate Japanese style.

The Salmon Banquet includes favorite dishes like salmon salad with Tartar sauce, fillet of salmon Nigiri, or salmon sashimi. In addition, customers can also enjoy the special dishes prepared by Chef Kenji Tam as Spaghetti with salmon and kimchi, and Hambagu salmon and tofu (Salmon Burgers and Japanese tofu), Kushiage salmon (fried salmon skewer in Japanese style), and many other dishes made from salmon, etc.

Salmon Banquet in Hanoi Fortuna Hotel (3)

Mr. Raymond Tan, General Manager of Hanoi Fortuna Hotel, said: “This will be an impressive culinary experience for diners. Japanese cuisine is always known for its perfection and exquisiteness. The diverse dishes will be prepared by Chef Kenji Tam and a team of professional chefs which promise to give diners a tasty dinner with the essence of Japanese cuisine “.