Tri Café, 183 Phung Hung is a place remaining old flavors of coffee
Despite a small shop, for a lot of people who were born and grow up in ha noi vietnam , Tri Café, 183 Phung Hung is a place remaining old flavors of coffee. It has long been a gathering place of members of Hanoi Photograph Club. In normal days, retired people who love photographing come here to share their interests from 12 pm to 3 pm. On weekends, people at all ages gather here discuss about photographing programs.
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Tri Coffee- dating place for photographers, vietnamApart from enjoying coffee, it is also a dating place for professional photographers as well as young people. They share experiences, exchange old photograph-related items. The interesting thing is that people come together because of their passion; hence it does not matter how old they are or how professional they are. It is very comfortable to share everything relating to photographing.
If you care about photograph, you can come to Tri Café at any time to share your experience with everyone here. The price of drinks is about VND 15,000- 35,000.